I've had a lot of new visitors to my site lately, including several brand new librarians. First of all, welcome! I am so glad you are here. I noticed that many of you are asking for things that are already on the site.
Here are links to some of my most popular posts:
Ten Tips for New Librarians: An article with advice for new elementary librarians
Accelerated Reader Ideas: This article describes how I motivate students using Accelerated Reader
About My Schedule: Describes my schedule and how I incorporate library centers or library stations
How I Use Library Stations: More about library stations or library centers
What does an Elementary Librarian Do?: A real life description of what elementary librarians do
Behavior Management in the Library: How I use positive rewards to improve behavior in my library
The Power of Collaboration: How to collaborate when you really don't have time
You can find the most popular posts on the right side of my site at the moment. I am planning a redesign soon, so this may change in the future. You can also find a search bar on the right side of the screen, right under the email box. I have written tons of articles on library management, book fairs, read aloud suggestions, book reviews, author visits, educational technology reviews, and SO much more. If you're looking for something in particular, the search bar is a great place to start.
Another way to search my site is by using Google Site Search. Just go to Google, type site:el.dev, a space, then your search term. Here's an example:
Another great place to find information about my site is to check out my Frequently Asked Questions. If there's something you can't find, feel free to email me any time. My email is jocelyn (at) elementarylibrarian (dot) com.
You can check out my LiveBinders by clicking here. I add content frequently, so check back from time to time to find more new stuff!
Library Lesson Plans
I offer my library lesson plans for sale, but my library curriculum map and lesson resources are all available for free. Even if you can't purchase the lessons, I know you will find some beneficial resources here. I am happy to accept school purchase orders if that's an option for you, and I also offer multi-school and district discounts. Please click here for more information!
Need to see a sample? You can get an entire month of my library lesson plans completely free of charge just for signing up for my email list. You can also see a 3rd grade sample delivered straight to your inbox by entering your name and email in the purple box on the right side of the page. You'll be added to our mailing list of librarians receiving free resources regularly.
Looking to the Future
I can't tell you how excited I am about the future of ElementaryLibrarian.com. The constant encouragement of my readers makes me smile every day, but more importantly, it makes me want to take the site to the next level. You guys (and gals) have given me such amazing ideas to make our libraries even more outstanding than they already are.
By mid-July, I will have even more library lesson plan product offerings! First, I will be separating my current library lesson plans by grade level. That way, if you only teach 2 grade levels, you'll be able to purchase only those levels. Next, I'll have several mini lesson packs available for purchase. These lessons will cover topics I didn't cover in my entire year of library lessons, such as the Newbery and Caldecott medals, extra research projects, and seasonal/monthly lesson plans. As always, these lessons will be aligned to Common Core and AASL standards! Finally, I am in the process of writing an e-book called 101 Library Centers. This book will contain 101 center ideas and printable student instruction cards to place at each center. It's going to be great.
How can I stay up-to-date on everything that's happening at Elementary Librarian?
There are several ways to connect with ElementaryLibrarian.com. First, be sure to join my e-mail list (see link in sidebar). I send out an exclusive subscriber only newsletter once a month, and occasionally I send out special sale notices. I will never spam you or send you anything that's not library related. As an added bonus, you'll receive an entire month of library lesson plans, totally free of charge, just for signing up.
Next, like Elementary Librarian on Facebook and follow @elem_librarian on Twitter. A link to my newest blog post will automatically show up on both feeds once it's posted.
Finally, you can follow me on Pinterest. I have several school library boards, so I'd love to share ideas with you there.
What questions do you have about the site? What would you like to see in the future? Please share with me in the comments!
These new plans all sound exciting! I can't wait! Please, though, take time for yourself and family this summer! it will fly by, like usual. 🙂
Thanks for all you do. I love reading what you have to say!
Thanks, Elizabeth. I have a very full schedule this summer - definitely lots of work planned, but a lot of fun too. 🙂