Use our free library games and resources to help students pass the time in the library. These games, worksheets, slideshows, and more will supplement your existing library curriculum. You may also find yourself saving time.
Click the images to browse the free resources by grade-level.
Grades K-1 Library Games and Resources
Find games and activities to teach the parts of the book and ABC order. You'll also find computer games and more resources related to key library skills.
Access a host of free dictionary activities, as well as activities to help students learn how to use online encyclopedias. Plus find general library skills games and resources. These resources work great for centers and whole group activities.
Discover free library games and resources for grades 4-6. Topics include book care, procedures, the Dewey Decimal system, and more. Plus there are lots of fun games for students.
Looking for lesson plans? Click here!
You can save time by subscribing to Elementary Librarian. Not only will you access loads of lesson plans, but you'll also get access to 101 Library Centers. Ready-to-go activities for the library? What more could you need?
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